Thursday, April 21, 2016

Episode 33: Mark Ferguson Awesome Investor REO Agent from Colorado

Mark Ferguson is the REO agent extraordinaire with blue Diablo Lamborghini. We need more people with that kind of refreshing perspective! So I invited him on the show today to share what tweak to his strategy sent him over the top. His Broker Price Opinion (BPO for short) strategy paid off HUGE and all it took was a change in attitude and a little risk.


Using a BPO and working with the bank to find and sell listings are all a part of the strategy secrets Mark’s talking about today. He started with cold calls to the bank - something some of us are a little wary of - and followed through with hard work. Who knew working in realty was that easy? With a few phone calls and a lot of hustle, Mark has been able to grow from selling 15-20 houses per year to over 200 houses! His ability to balance the work of an REO agent and an investor also pays off in full. His REO listings generate more buyers and help him build his team, while his investment properties continue to earn him profits.

[Tweet "The biggest thing [my mistakes] cost me was opportunity because I wasn’t looking for more deals. - Mark"]

The best part of this podcast is Mark’s amazing advice. Mark says that the only way to stay focused is to zero in on only a few things in the beginning. Take the time to narrow your focus, build your team, and establish a strong foundation at first. Whether your business is in flipping homes, rental properties, or a quirky BPO listing strategy, the best way to succeed is to focus on the solid base of this business. Remember - Staying focused will make you rich!


  • 2:50 - Meet Mark, REO agent extraordinaire!
  • 3:03 -; check out his podcast Invest For More
  • 3:30 - What areas of realty expertise is Mark zoning in on these days?
  • 4:20 - The realty scene in Colorado is at $250K average
  • 5:15 - Mark’s father got him involved in real estate investing
  • 7:01 - Gary Keller book influenced
  • 8:14 - We break down our individual reading strategies
  • 10:17 - Mark Ferguson’s worst mistake was trying to do all the work himself
  • 12:40 - How Mark developed his REO Investment Strategy
  • 13:57 - Mark’s change in attitude helped him sell more houses
  • 15:01 - How to work with the banks and the REO system all the way to commission
  • 17:30 - How blurry is the line between agent and investor when working with REO?
  • 18:22 - Making real money from Broker Price Opinions (BPOs)
  • 20:37 - Mark Ferguson’s biggest piece of advice
  • 21:41 - Find your niche in this business ASAP
  • 22:32 - “Conquer the resistance” is Mark’s favorite business quote
  • 24:04 - Mark isn’t super techy but dropbox is his favorite app
  • 24:42 - Is Mark on Snapchat yet?
  • 25:12 - YouTube Connect is going to be the new Periscope
  • 26:10 - What is “Third Circle Theory”?
  • 27:00 - Mark has a night routine with his office in the basement
  • 28:30 - The biggest lesson Mark Ferguson learned in this business
  • 29:33 - Family support is crucial to Mark’s success
  • 30:43 - What happened when Mark hired his first mentor?
  • 33:06 - We both think of coaching as an asset and not a liability
  • 34:55 - Check out Mark and his ’99 Diablo Lamborghini
  • 35:45 - Get with Mark on his blog for some free coaching
  • 36:55 - and Mark’s shop
  • 39:30 - Time isn’t recyclable – call me at

[Tweet "Once I put myself out there and started taking risks, things took off - Mark"]

Links and Resources:

Gary Keller

The One Thing

Third Circle Theory: Purpose Through Observation

The War of Art

NRBA Conference

Dropbox app

Facebook Live

Google Hangouts



Check out this episode!

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