Thursday, July 25, 2019

Episode 72: Greg Helbeck Secret Genealogist Real Estate Gold

Welcome back to the Real Estate Investing Profit Masters podcast! My guest today is really going to blow your mind. Greg Helbeck is only 23 years old but he is killing it with virtual real estate investing. That’s right - I said VIRTUAL. Greg is living in San Diego while working deals in New York and Texas. In fact, we’re doing a deal in Dallas together and that’s why I’m so excited to bring him on the show.

Greg’s real estate investment strategy may surprise you. He’s out there using a genealogist to close on some real hairy deals. Greg breaks down his strategy for getting through some of the most dramatic real estate deals I’ve ever heard of. But what’s really going to impress you is how much he’s learned during this process.

As investors, we know this business isn’t easy, and sometimes it isn’t very nice either. Greg had his own doubts about himself and his abilities simply because of his age. How did he overcome this age bias and really start believing in himself? You’ll have to listen to today’s episode to find out. But here’s a hint - having faith in yourself doesn’t come just from within. It comes from having spiritual faith and being confident enough to seek guidance from others. Whether that means hiring a mentor or listening to hundreds of podcast episodes, talking to others can help you reflect on your actions, learn from them, and really evolve as not only an investor but also in your daily life.


2:53 - Hanging out with Greg Helbeck

3:34 - Greg’s area of expertise

5:42 - What made Greg get involved in real estate investing?

6:43 - The real estate seminar that changed Greg’s life

7:47 - Who else influenced Greg’s real estate evolution?

9:00 - Greg always dreamed bigger

11:37 - What happens when understanding cash flow is your biggest challenge?

13:28 - How to overcome the age bias and build a real estate identity 

15:23 - Greg breaks down his most challenging property deal 

22:26 - A great nugget of advice for new investors

23:36 - Greg says: “It all comes down to lead generation!”

24:39 - Greg’s real estate investment strategy is really hairy

26:06 - How does a genealogist fit into real estate investing?

27:22 - Why does Greg call leads on his personal cell phone? 

29:51 - These hairy deals aren’t something you do ten times a month

30:40 - How to use Skip Genie before hiring a genealogist

31:20 - The right time to bring in the genealogy expert

34:05 - Greg breaks down the steps he takes with his genealogist

35:30 - The greatest lesson Greg learned in this business

37:36 - Are you taking time to reflect on your life?

40:01 - Greg’s favorite motivational quotes (one’s a poem!)

42:32 - Greg has a lot of favorite books

44:40 - Greg’s favorite mobile apps 

46:26 - Does Greg get 8 hours of sleep every night?

46:50 - What’s Greg’s morning routine like?

48:11 - We should all try writing - or recording - our own vision statements

54:14 - What is Greg most grateful for?

55:28 - Greg says: “Hire a coach as soon as you can!”

56:22 - What gets Greg up and at ‘em every morning?

59:30 - What motivated Greg to start his own podcast?

1:02:07 - Get in touch with Greg - - or on Instagram @Grego_37


“Once I made my first dollar that didn’t have to do with a wage or a salary, it opened up like a switch in my mind.” Greg

“Anytime there’s a challenge or even there’s a win, loss, anything, I like to spend time reflecting on it.” Greg


Pave the Way Podcast

Epic Real Estate Podcast 

SDF Capital

Principles by Ray Dalio

Atomic Habits by James Clear

Confessions of a Real Estate Entrepreneur by Jim Randel 

Skip Genie



Ask Cory A Question

Want to get in touch with Cory and ask him your most burning Real Estate Investing question?  We’ve made it super easy for you. Just head over to our Ask Cory A Question page and start recording.  Cory will play your question live on an upcoming show and answer it personally.

Who Do You Want To Hear From?

Name some folks I should get on the show! Hit me and I’ll do my best to get them on.

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