Thursday, April 7, 2016

Episode 31: Josh Schoenly The Real Estate Digital Marketing Wizard

Today’s guest - Josh Schoenly, The Client Alchemist – has one of the smartest real estate investment strategies I’ve seen. He knows that working smart is a supplement for the hard work you’re already putting in, and the processes he talks about today are going to totally transform your digital marketing strategy. I ask him the hard questions you wanted to know in order to get your social media working for you. Finding invisible audiences, reconnecting with old clients, and starting the conversation with new ones are all part of Josh’s strategy.

Josh is the co-founder of Client Alchemist, and he helps investors connect with clients all across the globe. His four step process, which he calls “The Hierarchy of Connecting” will break you out of that sales-person mentality:

  • Identify
  • Attract
  • Connect
  • Converse

And that fourth step is the most important. Starting that conversation instead of focusing on the conversion is the key to Josh’s success. Serving people - embodying that mentor persona - is exactly how you will stay productive and profitable in this business, and we get into the ways you can do that in today’s episode.


  • 3:13 - Josh Schoenly is doing big things in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
  • 4:10 - How did Josh get involved with real estate?
  • 7:34 - Reading Rich Dad Poor Dad changed Josh’s life (as it does for most of us!)
  • 8:36 - Josh breaks down the “enough is enough!” moment in his career
  • 10:50 - Who influenced Josh the most?
  • 12:05 - The hard lessons Josh learned from those money pit properties
  • 13:28 - We discuss why perfection is the enemy of productivity
  • 14:20 - Josh shares his #1 Investing Strategy (although it’s a little old school)
  • 15:37 - How to strategize your efforts online with Facebook
  • 19:02 - Josh’s 4 Step Strategy: The Hierarchy of Connecting
  • 21:08 - Creating content online to identify and attract your “invisible audiences” online
  • 22:55 - Taking advantage of local advertisement
  • 24:30 - How Josh connects with his audience and builds a fan base
  • 25:25 - Connecting and conversing work together in Josh’s strategy
  • 26:00 - Breaking out of the sales-person mentality: more listening, more conversations
  • 28:12 - Josh shares number advice for running a successful business
  • 29:23 - Josh had a breakthrough when he put his business blinders on
  • 31:04 - Josh’s favorite motivational business quote
  • 31:48 - Secrets of the Millionaire Mind changed Josh’s life
  • 32:33 - Josh and Cory debate over the better Podcast apps
  • 36:03 - Josh’s 4 kids mess with his morning routine
  • 38:34 - What is Josh grateful for now?
  • 41:11 - How coaches and mentors transform your perspective
  • 44:11 - Truth and accountability will take you far in this business
  • 47:13 - Josh’s biggest motivator might surprise you


Every case where I’ve had success, I can tie it back to my ability to take action. Josh

People hate to be sold, but they love to be served. Josh


Connect with Josh on LinkedIn and The Client Alchemist for his blog, products, and Podcast: The Client Alchemist Show

Check out the library of Russ Whitney, one of Josh’s favorite authors

My Speed desktop app

Cast app

And for health and wellness: Juicify app and

Check out this episode!

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