Monday, August 10, 2015

Episode 1: Jason Hartman Creating Wealth in California

On this inaugural episode of the Real Estate Investing Profits, Profit Masters Podcast, my guest is Jason Hartman.  Jason has been involved in several thousand real estate transactions and has owned income properties in 11 states and 17 cities. His hard work earned him a number of prestigious industry awards and he became a young multi-millionaire. In addition to running his successful real estate business, Jason is also a podcaster.

Jason believes in the buy and hold strategy involving properties and it really is his speciality.  One of his commandments of successful investing is:

Thou Shall Maintain Control - when you relinquish direct control of your money you leave

yourself susceptible to the fact that you may be investing with a crook, investing with an

idiot, investing with someone who will take a management fee for managing the deal.

Jason also discusses his term: inflation-induced debt destruction and gives us a history lesson of the term in action.

He offers three pieces of advice to run a successful business and explains these in detail:

  • Develop a brand
  • Develop systems
  • Develop a unique business model

I asked Jason some questions, like,  if you had to start over what would you change?  Jason would have purchased more property.  His favorite quote he tells us is a zen saying.  Jason lists some of his top books that had an impact on his life in one way or another.  He fills us in on his favorite app, his morning routine, his single greatest lesson learned, the things he is most grateful for, whether to hire a mentor or coach and why he does the things he does.

Jason has some interesting bits of wisdom to share throughout this interview.  He leaves us with the thought that it’s amazing how quickly investments will pay off and wishes everybody happy investing!

You can learn more about Jason on his website,  He also has an extensive podcast site which you can find at  You can also listen to his podcasts on  iTunes or Stitcher.

Please check out our website, for the “Down and Dirty” Ultimate Real Estate Investing Quick Start Guide download.

Join us on the Real Estate Investing Profits Facebook site too!

Check out this episode!

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